There are a lot of obstacles to overcome if you make a decision to change.
Is that really true? No.
We have all heard this and believed it. I am one of them.
The crazy thing is, we develop these obstacles and hurdles in our minds. Our behavior changes and we develop anxiety. What is really going on here is procrastination.
Procrastination is not a hurdle to overcome. Putting off what we should be doing is done out of fear. Perhaps we don't know what the outcome will be. Maybe we don't want others to think we are going crazy, or we simply don't think we have the effort to make it work. We shouldn't be afraid - especially if it is good change that we are talking about. Overcoming procrastination is simple. We must take the first step.
If it is debt that is keeping you down, let it go. Stop spending so much. Bring your lunch to work. Don't by that shirt you don't need. Quit snacking on crap.
If your weight is getting out of control, go through your pantry and throw away the junk. Find snacks and recipes that are delicious and eat that. Take a walk around town.
If your house is cluttered and making you feel overwhelmed, declutter. Don't hang on to things you do not need. Stop shopping.
Move forward. You cannot change bad habits, pay off debt, lose weight, or clean house (you get the idea) without actually doing something about it. It doesn't happen on its own. You have to get the ball rolling. No one says that you have to have it all figured out before you begin.
Use a tool. Yep, I'm gonna say it. YOU are the tool, and it's the only tool you need. Move in the right direction. There will be failures, but that is as much of the journey as anything else.
If something doesn't work, stop. It's OK to quit. Why it was drilled in our minds as tots that quitters never win, I will never know. If you don't want to do something, or if it is simply not working, do something else. I'm not saying give up. I'm saying do something different.
Get excited. Celebrate your little successes. There will be plenty along the way. Take the time to do things your way.
Step-by-step transformation happens. It starts with action. Put yourself in locomotion and do great things. You might just freak yourself out at how awesome you really are.
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