Shopping the closet.

My style can get a lil crazy sometimes. I do love shopping my closet and coming up with new outfits from what I already have. I layer complimentary pieces to add a little funk to my normal attire. I do it fearlessly. And quite frankly, I like the outcome.
Even more, most of my items are from the thrift shop!
People compliment my clothes and when they find it is from the Goodwill, they usually freak. The thrift shop is not a place to fear. There are some really great jewels...among a whole lot of junk! But, finding that jewel makes me forever happy. That is the most important part!

Simplify Your Cleaning Routine.

It's been a recent fantasy of mine to get rid of excess. I noticed that I have entirely too many bottles lying around. There is a cleaner for the countertops, dusting, stainless steel, carpet, and the stovetop under the sink. For the bathroom, there is cleaner for the toilet, mirror, bathtub, and floors. I'm pretty sure that is a lot of money spent on a big marketing scheme.

And I totally fell for it.

Having all these choices make cleaning a pain. It's almost as though I'd rather not even do it because dealing with all the different cleaners. It is out of control.

I've reduced my cleaning products significantly and am really happy with the outcome. My cleaning routine is very simplified and it makes it so much easier. It cuts cleaning time down a bunch when there aren't so many choices. Who says you have to use different cleaners for each crevice in your home? Oh right. It was the advertisements.

The easiest way to do this is to keep a few tools, and throw away the rest. Don't feel guilty about it.

Here is what I use now:

A wet rag with a dab of dish soap, or heavily diluted bleach+water mix for extra sanitation.

I use this on countertops, stovetops, toilet, and tub.

I simply dust with a damp rag. If you must have a shine, a tiny dab of olive oil does the trick. I don't go that far. That is just an extra unnecessary step in my opinion.

I know that some people do not like to use bleach and that is fine. Vinegar and water mix is a healthier alternative. I tried it, but didn't like it because my house smelled like Easter.

Seriously, cleaning is way more manageable now. I have zero guilt when it comes to getting rid of all the unnecessary bottles of specific cleaners. That marketing does a number on the checkbook.

Cash Stash: Earn $600 in 45 Minutes

That mustache is cute huh?

Let's skip all the cute talk and get right down to business.

I just made and extra $600 for the year in 45 minutes. I can totally deal with time well spent. It was so simple and I know you are dying to know how I did it. Hopefully, I won't let you down since you already know how to do this on your own.

I switched car insurance.

Baam! Boom! And confetti falls. I sound like a cheesy salesgirl from the commercials. Perhaps I have heard people say "switch car insurances and save money" so much, I am immune to the effect. But truthfully, if you switch car insurances, you can save money. Maybe this is my 'ah-ha' moment as Oprah calls it.

Am I really so lazy as to why I have waited so long to at least inquire about this? Or, have I just simply been scared? I came to the conclusion that I have just felt fear of change.

It has been so easy for me to just continue the monthly withdrawal from my account to my current insurance company. But ever since I have been paying off debt, I realize that I could be saving tons of money!

It's so easy to do. I will give you a little guidance in case you are a little scared to venture out like I was.

Know your current policy: Look. I don't know what means what about insurance OK. I just know that I had a good policy. Since the information wasn't on my card for some reason, I called. And they gave me the info. You need to have this available if you want a comparable policy with another company. I stayed with the exact same thing I had.

Search or call around: I researched two other providers before switching. It is as easy as plugging your info in online. I plugged mine in at and was shocked to know that my coverage would be more than my current policy at State Farm. I swiftly clicked out of the screen and said no to geico.

Secure your rate: When you find a company that suits your needs and offers a lower rate, call them! The rate I found at esurance was so low that I thought it may be a scam. Much to my surprise, it was right! They went over my online entry and discussed payment terms and yadda yadda with me. I was able to answer all the questions over the phone. It is set up to take effect after this month is done.

Cancel your current insurance policy: Give them a call and let them know when your last payment will be. My policy was month-to-month so it was an easy cancel. However, if you have a 6 month contract or something, you must find out if there is early cancellation etc. because each company is different.

That wasn't so bad was it? After you do all the necessary steps, sit back, take a breath, and realize that you have made an extra $600 this year!

Keep in mind that your rates will be different than mine. Obviously. You may can save more or you may save less. It's still worth the little bit of time for a little yearly bonus. Also, I am not advocating you switch to esurance. This just happens to be the lowest policy for me. You could come across a gem elsewhere and I will just have to be jealous.

Happy savings and bonuses to all!

How to Shop at Thrift Shops

I could write posts on why shopping at thrift shops is exhilarating all day long. I have not always felt this way. My spending habits have been out of control for years. I loved going to malls and shopping name brand. Then, when I felt guilty about it, I would start going to Ross or TJ Maxx because I thought I was saving money.

The problem with that is I was spending the same amount, just bringing home a redonkulous amount of cheaply made clothes to stash in my closet.

I vowed to change my spending habits several months ago. I've been able to pay off all of my credit card debt since then. I didn't spend hours upon hours crunching numbers for a budget. No spreadsheets for me. I needed a simple approach.

The only way to save money or pay off debt is to simply spend less than you earn. I've tried to find a magic formula, but there just isn't one.

One way to seriously save money is on clothing and accessories. I'm not saying that I don't like a new item every now and then. But, when that urge arises I head to the thrift shop. The payoff is huge if you can figure out how to maneuver the thrift shop.

Know what you need: The buggy fills up way too fast if you don't go inside knowing exactly what it is that you are searching. It's fun to browse, but be careful; the low price will fool you into buying. Then, you are spending more frivolously and clutter you house with crap.

Do not buy something that is raggedy: Seriously, if the item is damaged, stained, holy, gross don't buy it. There are plenty of things to buy that aren't ruined. It's not worth it. It will not be used or worn, so pass it up.

Dig: I know. At first the thrift shop can seem overwhelming. There is so much to see before getting to that special gem. Enjoy the experience. Everything you see is an opportunity to explore. There are hidden jewels all throughout the store.

Set a time limit: This tip goes hand in hand with knowing what you need before entering the store. You can easily lose time while shopping. If you need a shirt and pair of shoes for instance, only shop the shirt and shoe section. Check out. Leave. Don't look back.

Opportunity to sell: Some items sell on eBay like nobody's business. You can find a lot of items that sell quickly. Look for those items as well before leaving the store. Immediately list on eBay.

Shopping second hand is really a great area to save money or pay off debt.

The photo above is an example of some really cute things that you can stumble upon. These shoes are practically brand new. It set me back all of $4. Not too shabby.

Your Closet Makes You Money

Everyone could use a little monetary boost every once in a while without having to take on a part-time job. With so many get-rich-quick scams that we all know will fail, generating extra income may seem impossible.

It's not.

You have the funds right in your own closets.

I've been decluttering around the house and have came to the conclusion that I have entirely too much stuff. I battle with the fear of letting things go because I may need it someday. Well, the someday has never arrived.

Clutter is a funny thing. We hold on to it for security. We tell ourselves that we worked so hard to obtain these items, when in fact, they are holding us hostage.

Clutter requires maintenance: You know, move those pairs of shoes here, pack them up there. Dig to the bottom of that basket to find that pair of shoes you have to wear right now only to be able to find one shoe and the other missing. Then, you take out all 56 pairs of shoes and dump it in the floor because you just know that other missing shoe is in there somewhere. The missing shoe is in fact a stilletto hill in the perfect shade of Valentine's Day Red that is so uncomfortable, but just so cute! Oh, there it is, in the underwear drawer. Hooray! Oh, wait a minute...I'll only wear these for about an hour and then I will have blisters and will need to change into my ballet flats. Better find them and bring them with me too.

And the cycle continues. Only now you have a huge mess and have to put everything back where it belongs.


Clutter does not make you successful: Things are just things. We don't show our friends and family our stash of old clothes, CDs and DVDs. We show our success by our character, love, and advice. Our inner self is what is important. No one really cares to see how much junk you have bought. Trust me on that one.

Clutter is exhausting: It takes a lot of effort keeping up with our belongings. We buy duplicates because we don't even know what we have. We cuss every morning because we can't find anything to wear. We pick up trinkets to dust under and around once again. We go into debt for things we really don't need or want to begin with. We don't know where to stop.

I know these things, because I have lived a cluttered life. Only recently have I decided to do something about it.

One of the first steps I took was purging unused items from my closet. I came across things that I wanted to get rid of. I listed them on eBay and something magical happened.

I made money. A good little chunk too, right at $600. It was as easy as taking a picture, uploading to eBay and describing the item, getting money, and shipping the package.

And it is awesome.

One Step Gets Everything Done.

There are a lot of obstacles to overcome if you make a decision to change.

Is that really true? No.

We have all heard this and believed it. I am one of them.

The crazy thing is, we develop these obstacles and hurdles in our minds. Our behavior changes and we develop anxiety. What is really going on here is procrastination.

Procrastination is not  a hurdle to overcome. Putting off what we should be doing is done out of fear. Perhaps we don't know what the outcome will be. Maybe we don't want others to think we are going crazy, or we simply don't think we have the effort to make it work. We shouldn't be afraid - especially if it is good change that we are talking about. Overcoming procrastination is simple. We must take the first step.

If it is debt that is keeping you down, let it go. Stop spending so much. Bring your lunch to work. Don't by that shirt you don't need. Quit snacking on crap.

If your weight is getting out of control, go through your pantry and throw away the junk. Find snacks and recipes that are delicious and eat that. Take a walk around town.

If your house is cluttered and making you feel overwhelmed, declutter. Don't hang on to things you do not need. Stop shopping.

Move forward. You cannot change bad habits, pay off debt, lose weight, or clean house (you get the idea) without actually doing something about it. It doesn't happen on its own. You have to get the ball rolling. No one says that you have to have it all figured out before you begin.

Use a tool. Yep, I'm gonna say it. YOU are the tool, and it's the only tool you need. Move in the right direction. There will be failures, but that is as much of the journey as anything else.

If something doesn't work, stop. It's OK to quit. Why it was drilled in our minds as tots that quitters never win, I will never know. If you don't want to do something, or if it is simply not working, do something else. I'm not saying give up. I'm saying do something different.

Get excited. Celebrate your little successes. There will be plenty along the way. Take the time to do things your way.

Step-by-step transformation happens. It starts with action. Put yourself in locomotion and do great things. You might just freak yourself out at how awesome you really are.

Only One Way to Pay Off Debt

I am feeling somewhat refreshed after a long blogging break.

Personal growth seems to happen at the oddest of times, doesn't it?

There has been an uncanny sense of urgancy to get my finances and mess-of-a-self in order since my recent marriage a few months ago. I have always wanted to be the best wife and person I can be.

The last three months since we vowed a life of bliss together has been eventful. I have paid off three major credit accounts and have began decluttering our house something fierce. Finally, I am beginning to feel free. Free from myself.

This is a serious work in progress and it hasn't been an easy fix. It has been a daily journey these last few months.

So far, it's been worth the work.

Paying off these three credit cards didn't come super-easy, but it wasn't super-hard either. It was finding a medium between self control and contentment. Ah, those words that sound so precious, but so hard to actually live up to. Yes, those. And it takes both. Once they are put in action it is mighty precious indeed. I've learned a few hacks right of the bat that have been a life saver and I think it's worth sharing.

There is no perfect way to do it. I have spent so many hours researching how to get out of debt. Spoiler alert: there are nine million ways to go about this. All that time spent reading and not doing is a major waste of time. It's simple, really. Spend less than you make. How many spreadsheets, paper scraps, online programs (that cost money nontheless) that are available doesn't make a hill of beans. Know yourself. Know what is easy for you to maintain. Here is my personal formula:

Monthly income - all fixed expenses - fun, grub & gas
= Money paid toward debt.

Obvious? Yes.

You have enough already. Really. You have plenty of clothes, plenty of food in the freezer, plenty of things to do. Marinate on that for a moment. If you don't believe me, declutter.

Generate additional income. One word...Ebay. Use it. Additonal money made there transfers straight toward debt.

Be kind to yourself. This is a process. It will not happen overnight. It would be ludacris to think that. Savor the steps in becoming better. Get excited about the space and freedom you are getting. There is no pricetag large enough to compare.

I am not out of my journey yet. Not even close. But I do realize that the current mindset most of us have is more want and less need. Our generation needs to take back what is our. Freedom.

Take it Back.

In other to make $111.97 on your lunch break.

You can do it too with either one of these options:

1. TAKE BACK THE USELESS SHIT YOU BOUGHT YESTERDAY ON IMPULSE for no other reason thatnyou were bored and didn't want to go home to clean house.

2. DO NOT BUY THINGS ON IMPULSE IN THE FIRST PLACE because you do not need it.

And that is it. It truly is that simple.

Unfortunately, I am having to learn things the hard way. I'm battling my impulses and fears head on and it is really hard.

Let's take a look at what happened to me yesterday and today and really break it down and soak it in for what it is worth.

I went shopping after work yesterday because I really didn't want to go home. I didn't want to go home because I didn't want to feel obligated to clean house. So, I wanted to go shopping to kill time and get an instant high on buying things.

I spent two of my precious hours on going in and browsing four different stores. I bought something from each store. It all totaled $111.97.

I have to work at my job 9 hours to pay for items I just bought. NINE HOURS, FOLKS! That is a whole entire work day of my life. Did I really need that new dress or could I wear one that I already have in my closet that I've only worn one other time? Seriously. All jokes aside.

When I got home I still had to clean. But instead of just cleaning, I felt guilty about my impulse purchasing.

This morning, I loaded up the unnecessary purchases into my car and drove to work knowing that I had to take these things back.

I spent my entire 1 hour lunch break returning things to four different stores. I made my money back alright, but that was a hassle that I shouldn't have even dealt with in the first place.

True story.

Now, take back those things you just bought and enjoy not feeling guilty for once.

Experiment: Peace at Work

I can't believe I have allowed myself to get to this point of utter disgust and frustration. This feeling is simply found inside my soul. It has to do with me. I have allowed unnecessary purchasing, buildup of paperwork, drawers overflowing. The list goes on and on. It is to the point that the sound of a phone ringing sends me over-the-top wanting to yell into the clouds for HELP!!! Help to save me from myself. I smell the dirt above me, which I have buried myself for no good reason at all.

Consumerism = wanting to be someone I am not.

But I've been thinking...

Do I even want to be that person I am not?

Not really.

It's just totally in my mind.

Hoarding crap. Being lazy. Not knowing where to start.

And I still don't.

I've failed. One godzillion times.

I don't want to feel like I am constantly failing. I don't think anyone really does.

I don't want to feed my multiple personalities.

I want to just be. Is that so much to ask? Because it sure as hell seems like it.

I'm going to do a weekly experiment. It's likely starting place is right here in my office at work. I'm going to clean out my desk drawers and files for a clear plate. I'm going to get rid of all the unnecessary. Bye e-mails, bye clutter, bye random files that no one cares about.

And then I am going to make it a point to only check my work e-mail twice a day. Morning and afternoon and that is all.

An idea: Start.

I am a hot mess.

I am trying so hard to figure this life out, but I feel like I can't. Stuck-in-a-rut is an understatment. Why must it feel like my life is on hault when I am about to get married? I am literally going to move forward to a new chapter in my life. It's exciting, duh!, but I feel like something is missing. What's missing is a deep contentment with my life.

Not living up to my personal best is draining me. Then there's the guilt of not being my best and that only drags me down.

Something MUST be done at this point. A struggle between being so blessed it's redonkulous and being unhappy with my life is just boggling me.

My plan is to find out some answers here. Since my brain going so many directons at any given second I can't even come up with a plan, I still know that I must start.

I must start.

Thrifting: Brand Spankin' New

There is always a fabulous treasure to find in massive piles of junk at the thrift store. I get super-excited when I find something I truly love, that only needs a little TLC. It is the perfect place to find all kinds of creative ideas.
HOWEVER, we all know the dust and grime and elbow-to-elbow with smelly strangers is inevitable.
It's totally worth it though.
Check out what this cute printed dress I found with the tags still on it! Some poor soul paid $34.00 and I only paid $1.98. Score!
Love this with all my heart. It's too cute and will go perfect with my football season wardrobe.

To Do List, Really?

I love reading on the blogosphere. I really do. And for some reason I am very much drawn to mom blogs. I think it's cute and sweet, and there are a lot of really good ideas about home and organization and shizz like that.

What I do not see is ideas for people like myself who have to work all damn day long, then come home at night to the same amount of home responsibilities.

This is the whole reason I am exploring a minimalist lifestyle. Because although this super-cute daily planner {from an awesome blogger that I love, looks presh and all:

My daily routine goes like so:

  • Wake up before the rooster crows or sun peeks above the clouds
  • Stumble into bathroom to take shower and brush teeth
  • Hurry to smear on make-up and put clothes on
  • Fix a cup of coffee - chug it - then fix another to drink on the way to work
  • Arrive at office. Work 10 hours. Ponder the whole day how in the hell I can get stuff done at home for my family before bedtime
  • Fight hellacious rush hour traffic for an hour
  • Get home around 7pm
  • THEN start on the above to-do-list minus breakfast and making bed
I'm really at a point where I MUST find a way to streamline my days. Taking out unnecessary plans are vital to staying balanced. That's part of my journey here. Perhaps I can find the secret and be able to share. That would be wonderful, for all us working moms/family peeps.

Pack yo' lunch: Saving Money tricks

This week I tracked every single expense. I wanted to see where my money was going. Even though I was conscious an careful, I still spent $143. This included gas, lunch, snacks, and personal items. It's way too high.
One of the things that I want to change is my eating out for lunch. I always go to the nearest fast food joint and order a chicken salad of some kind.

That racks up to be $8.50-$9.00 a pop.

I took a trip to Aldi and got items to eat on at work during the week:

I almost stroked seeing the difference shopping at Aldi vs. Publix.

Almonds were only $3.99 vs. $6.99 at Publix.

Bringing my own lunch and snacks is going to save a bundle. $20 for all this stuff only adds up to $4 a day!

That's what I'm talking about. No need for couponing to save money. Just a small trip to the grocery store!

Closet Crisis: Season Change

The changing of the season is a perfect time to do some major clean-out of the closet. I prefer to keep my summer clothes out during the season with winter clothes put away and vice versa. It makes the closet more manageable without being totally overflowing.

If there is an item of clothing that I did not wear during the's gone! I don't want to have to worry about the excess time wasted in storing, deliberating, putting away, pulling out, sifting through. It just becomes too much stress to worry with.

Also, if there are items that are damaged or stained, they go too!

I'm liking the streamline method of having only clothes that fit well and that I wear. I'm not in a contest to see how many useless clothes I can hoard. I want to look good, feel good, and have little stress when it comes to getting ready in the morning.

If you feel overwhelmed, it's easy to restore some needed order:

  • Throw out stained, damaged, and unworn clothes.
  • Pull everything {yes, ALL} items of your cloest. Purses, clothes, old boxes, belts, shoes etc. until it is completely naked.
  • Keep items that you wear and that's in good condition. Donate items that you haven't worn. Throw away items that's damaged or stained.
  • Hang up new season's items neatly and with other like items.
  • Sit back and enjoy the serenity of an organized closet area.

I have to remind myself that I have too much stuff if I'm contemplating buying "organizational items." Multiple pieces of the same kind are not welcome in my closet. I do not need 10 white shirts. I do not need 14 pairs of tennis shoes. They deserve a new home. I like simple choices. It makes life so much easier in the mornings.

That's Clutch.

Oooo lah lah! I found the perfect minimalist purse to meet my needs. It is a clutch, so it is very classy. The colors go with black or brown outfits, and the design is precious!

I found it at Target for $16.99....score! I am thrilled. Plus, I've gotten a bazillion compliments since I've been carrying it.

I was really nervous about using a clutch every day because I always wear a purse with a strap. It's really been a breeze and very convenient. I haven't lost it. It can be gotten into easily. It's small, so I don't overload it with useless stuff.

Currently in my clutch:

  •  Flat wallet: keeps my cards and a little bit of cash
  • Car keys: only keeping the keys I actually use on the key ring. That's my car key & house key
  • Bert's Bees lip gloss
That's it and I am surviving just fine.

Raid the Pantry.

This week is a no-spend week on buying groceries. I have plenty of misc. items in the pantry that can be transformed into an edible meal. The cost of food has risen so high, it's a wonder any of us have money to eat.

The Menu


  • Shake n' Bake chicken
  • Black eyed peas


  • Low Carb Chicken Pasta
  • Salad


  • Tuna Patties
  • Okra

These will be very easy to throw together, pretty scrumptious, and will empty the pantry, making the rest of this week a no-spend grocery week! That makes me happy. It's important for us to become creative with the things we currently have. This is a big money saver, plus keeps our resources in check. It's a fun little ego boost to know that you can make something out of what you thought was nothing!

My new office.

My gosh! Is this even real life?

I have an office now. A real one. One that I can step into and have my stuff inside four walls of my very own. It's a haven for me because I have always worked in a cubicle.

An office means peace. I'm no longer in the middle of mass chaos and people around me. Interruptions are limited.

I can get stuff done. I can focus. I can breathe.

This is the best I could do in my attempt to have a minimalist office. I only allow things that I use all day long to be on top of my desk. Unfortunately, it takes a million different devices for me to get through a workday.

But, I do try to keep it as tidy and efficient as possible.

Organization and simplicity - oh yeah, and peace and quiet - is a lovely combination to a workday.

I love this little nook of mine. So very much!

Decorating Simply.

I had the challenge of having to host a couple's bridal shower this past weekend. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, but still wanted to make an impact. It is very possible to create an ambiance when throwing a party and it doesn't have to be over-the-top.

Here is how I pulled it off:

Select a Theme
I went with a sassy cowgirl theme. The bride will be having her wedding out west, complete with the bridal party in cowgirl boots so this was an easy decision.

Food choice was simple. I ordered BBQ from a local pit, grilled hamburgers & hotdogs, and made delicious smore's bars for dessert.

I made my own invitations, and game - which was a major hit by the way. It was bridal shower mad libs. It was entirely too funny when we read it all aloud. Cheap paper lanterns were hung on the lights and also outside under the umbrella. So cutsie!

Sangria in a mason jar. This was probably the crowds most favorite thing! Any kind of drink could be made and poured into jars. It looks so nice and makes it easy for guest to grab, open the top, and drink. The fruit in the sangria was so colorful and blended together wonderfully for a tasty treat.

In the end it is not about the decorations or the venue that makes a party special. It is the people. It's also very easy to go off course when planning an event. There is SO much to choose from out there. It's easy to spend way to much money. I almost made the mistake of buying a pop-up pavilion for outside. I had it in my car already purchased when my simply-living mantra came to mind. I took it back immediately. The buyer's remorse was too strong. I never even missed it! Be wise, stay simple and most of all have fun!

Negative Thoughts.

There is true power in changing our thought process. It is almost an effortless gesture that can change our lives. If there is struggle, negativity, boredom, or lack of passion we can change it with positive thoughts. I know this from experience. I've used this method for many years. I have even changed my almost debilitating anxiety and exhaustion just this week.
This sounds very silly, maybe. But it's still the truth.
Get In Tune
Slow down just a bit and really listen to the thoughts that come and go throughout the day. They are bouncing around in our heads all day long. Lots of them repetitive, and most of them negative.
When you notice a negative thought, sit back and just look at it and imagine it being meaningless words floating across the sky. Do not act. Do not agree. Do not disagree. Simply watch the words float up and down. In watching, they will eventually float away. By not actively soaking in these bad thoughts, or lashing out, it has no power over us. It's just words. That is all.
Express Gratitude
Try counteracting the negative thoughts with positive. We have lots more to be grateful for than we give credit. A positive thought sets the record straight. It gives yourself a chance to beat the negatives with a grateful attitude.  You can start a notebook listing 3+ things that made you thankful each day, post it in a blog, or simply just think about it. Whatever works best for you.
It doesn't have to be over-the-top. It doesn't mean going out and buying new workout equipment. Go outside, play around with your kids, take a walk. During this time, give your mind a break. Be still. Pause and recognize your breath. Feel your movements. Live in the present. Meditate.
Changing the thought process doesn't happen overnight. It is a process. You must train yourself to redirect. It doesn't take much energy, but it does take awareness. Don't feel like you must change yourself all at once. Enjoy your transformation and know that each negative thought you fight with a positive is moving in the right direction.
These are tips that I find very effective and all have immediate effect. You may not want to do all of these at once. If you feel overwhelmed, just try one! Enjoy the journey one step at a time.

Banana Facemask.

I've been in a re-using, thrifty mood lately. I'm trying to let my creative juices kick into high gear when I see something that needs to be used up quickly, or if there is something around the house that could use a little face lift. It's a total rush of excitement when a solution is found! That rush of energy is very satisfying, and a little addictive - in a good way.
There were 2 ripening bananas laying on the kitchen counter last night. I didn't want them to go to waste. It is said that American's waste an average of $500 a year in food. That's redonkulous! So, I figured it would be awesome to use in a natural facemask.
It was awesome, to say the least. It's the first facemask that I've ever taken a bite out of before putting on my face. Plus, it smells delicious. There's something energizing and relaxing about the smell of bananas.
I definitely suggest making this! It's way too easy to make - You will love it!
  • 1/2 banana {natural moisturizer}
  • 1 tbsp honey {ancient holistic healer & moisturizer}
  • Mix together in a bowl and heat until slightly warm. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing. lovely!
You may also add a half cup of yogurt to the mix because it is a natural exfoliator. I didn't just because I didn't have any on hand.
Don't forget a good book and glass of wine while you soak in a fabulous bath while waiting on your mask to work. Makes me want to jump in and soak now!