Only One Way to Pay Off Debt

I am feeling somewhat refreshed after a long blogging break.

Personal growth seems to happen at the oddest of times, doesn't it?

There has been an uncanny sense of urgancy to get my finances and mess-of-a-self in order since my recent marriage a few months ago. I have always wanted to be the best wife and person I can be.

The last three months since we vowed a life of bliss together has been eventful. I have paid off three major credit accounts and have began decluttering our house something fierce. Finally, I am beginning to feel free. Free from myself.

This is a serious work in progress and it hasn't been an easy fix. It has been a daily journey these last few months.

So far, it's been worth the work.

Paying off these three credit cards didn't come super-easy, but it wasn't super-hard either. It was finding a medium between self control and contentment. Ah, those words that sound so precious, but so hard to actually live up to. Yes, those. And it takes both. Once they are put in action it is mighty precious indeed. I've learned a few hacks right of the bat that have been a life saver and I think it's worth sharing.

There is no perfect way to do it. I have spent so many hours researching how to get out of debt. Spoiler alert: there are nine million ways to go about this. All that time spent reading and not doing is a major waste of time. It's simple, really. Spend less than you make. How many spreadsheets, paper scraps, online programs (that cost money nontheless) that are available doesn't make a hill of beans. Know yourself. Know what is easy for you to maintain. Here is my personal formula:

Monthly income - all fixed expenses - fun, grub & gas
= Money paid toward debt.

Obvious? Yes.

You have enough already. Really. You have plenty of clothes, plenty of food in the freezer, plenty of things to do. Marinate on that for a moment. If you don't believe me, declutter.

Generate additional income. One word...Ebay. Use it. Additonal money made there transfers straight toward debt.

Be kind to yourself. This is a process. It will not happen overnight. It would be ludacris to think that. Savor the steps in becoming better. Get excited about the space and freedom you are getting. There is no pricetag large enough to compare.

I am not out of my journey yet. Not even close. But I do realize that the current mindset most of us have is more want and less need. Our generation needs to take back what is our. Freedom.

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