Decorating Simply.

I had the challenge of having to host a couple's bridal shower this past weekend. I didn't want to spend a lot of money, but still wanted to make an impact. It is very possible to create an ambiance when throwing a party and it doesn't have to be over-the-top.

Here is how I pulled it off:

Select a Theme
I went with a sassy cowgirl theme. The bride will be having her wedding out west, complete with the bridal party in cowgirl boots so this was an easy decision.

Food choice was simple. I ordered BBQ from a local pit, grilled hamburgers & hotdogs, and made delicious smore's bars for dessert.

I made my own invitations, and game - which was a major hit by the way. It was bridal shower mad libs. It was entirely too funny when we read it all aloud. Cheap paper lanterns were hung on the lights and also outside under the umbrella. So cutsie!

Sangria in a mason jar. This was probably the crowds most favorite thing! Any kind of drink could be made and poured into jars. It looks so nice and makes it easy for guest to grab, open the top, and drink. The fruit in the sangria was so colorful and blended together wonderfully for a tasty treat.

In the end it is not about the decorations or the venue that makes a party special. It is the people. It's also very easy to go off course when planning an event. There is SO much to choose from out there. It's easy to spend way to much money. I almost made the mistake of buying a pop-up pavilion for outside. I had it in my car already purchased when my simply-living mantra came to mind. I took it back immediately. The buyer's remorse was too strong. I never even missed it! Be wise, stay simple and most of all have fun!

Negative Thoughts.

There is true power in changing our thought process. It is almost an effortless gesture that can change our lives. If there is struggle, negativity, boredom, or lack of passion we can change it with positive thoughts. I know this from experience. I've used this method for many years. I have even changed my almost debilitating anxiety and exhaustion just this week.
This sounds very silly, maybe. But it's still the truth.
Get In Tune
Slow down just a bit and really listen to the thoughts that come and go throughout the day. They are bouncing around in our heads all day long. Lots of them repetitive, and most of them negative.
When you notice a negative thought, sit back and just look at it and imagine it being meaningless words floating across the sky. Do not act. Do not agree. Do not disagree. Simply watch the words float up and down. In watching, they will eventually float away. By not actively soaking in these bad thoughts, or lashing out, it has no power over us. It's just words. That is all.
Express Gratitude
Try counteracting the negative thoughts with positive. We have lots more to be grateful for than we give credit. A positive thought sets the record straight. It gives yourself a chance to beat the negatives with a grateful attitude.  You can start a notebook listing 3+ things that made you thankful each day, post it in a blog, or simply just think about it. Whatever works best for you.
It doesn't have to be over-the-top. It doesn't mean going out and buying new workout equipment. Go outside, play around with your kids, take a walk. During this time, give your mind a break. Be still. Pause and recognize your breath. Feel your movements. Live in the present. Meditate.
Changing the thought process doesn't happen overnight. It is a process. You must train yourself to redirect. It doesn't take much energy, but it does take awareness. Don't feel like you must change yourself all at once. Enjoy your transformation and know that each negative thought you fight with a positive is moving in the right direction.
These are tips that I find very effective and all have immediate effect. You may not want to do all of these at once. If you feel overwhelmed, just try one! Enjoy the journey one step at a time.

Banana Facemask.

I've been in a re-using, thrifty mood lately. I'm trying to let my creative juices kick into high gear when I see something that needs to be used up quickly, or if there is something around the house that could use a little face lift. It's a total rush of excitement when a solution is found! That rush of energy is very satisfying, and a little addictive - in a good way.
There were 2 ripening bananas laying on the kitchen counter last night. I didn't want them to go to waste. It is said that American's waste an average of $500 a year in food. That's redonkulous! So, I figured it would be awesome to use in a natural facemask.
It was awesome, to say the least. It's the first facemask that I've ever taken a bite out of before putting on my face. Plus, it smells delicious. There's something energizing and relaxing about the smell of bananas.
I definitely suggest making this! It's way too easy to make - You will love it!
  • 1/2 banana {natural moisturizer}
  • 1 tbsp honey {ancient holistic healer & moisturizer}
  • Mix together in a bowl and heat until slightly warm. Apply to face and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing. lovely!
You may also add a half cup of yogurt to the mix because it is a natural exfoliator. I didn't just because I didn't have any on hand.
Don't forget a good book and glass of wine while you soak in a fabulous bath while waiting on your mask to work. Makes me want to jump in and soak now!

Hemp Plant Holder.

There is something exhiliarating about the smell of a hot-glue gun. It triggers a memory hub in my brain of only good thoughts. It lets me know that I am creating something lovely. Even if I am the only one who likes it!

It does our Earth a favor to do more re-using. Why buy something else when you already have something beautiful on hand? It gives a chance to create. To love. To contribute to a larger purpose.

Within the time I made a pot of coffee and drank a cup, a re-purposed plant pot was made. It's more satisfying to come up with creative ideas with things you have on hand rather than to purchase more.

I had some hemp rope lying around so I got to gluing! It was easy and fun.

I big-time love it when such an easy thing creates such simple joy!

Pantry Baskets.

The dreaded pantry. It has always been a struggle of mine to keep in any shape of organization. It makes me cuss like a sailor, throw things like a 2 year old, and wish I lived on another planet where food isn't required for living.

Since I have learned that you must find a solution to a problem in order to make things simplified and easy, I figured I would put this wisdom to the test.

Seems easy enough. I purchased enough baskets to line my pantry shelves for $2 a piece at Old Time Pottery. I put like items in each one which has made it easy to see what all I have on hand. It's also convinent because I can take these baskets out of the pantry and onto the kitchen counter top if need be.

This has made it so easy to stay organized in one of the most dreaded nooks in the home.

I love it. A whole-heck-of-a-lot!

Bathroom Counters.

I'm loving this whole do-something-small-every-single-day task. It is something that takes minimal effort and makes a big impact. There is nothing more irritating than having to spend a sick-day home from work or a whole weekend cleaning up a humongous mess. It's unnecessary, especially when you can do small things every day. It frees up time to do more deep cleaning and organizing in free time. Plus it's easy on the eyes.

The first picture is a scene that clutter's the mind. It's so easy to leave our get-ready mess on a daily basis. By putting hair supplies in a cute basket and makeup in an easy to move case, cleanup is a breeze. Simple put everything back in their baskets and cases and put under the sink.

Fabulous! And it takes less than 30 seconds.

Office Drawers.

I had a slight freak-out this morning when I opened my office drawer at the office. Why did I have a bazillion pins and enough items to make up an aisle in Office Depot?

I could not answer that question, so I purged everything that I could not reasonably use. It only makes sense.

And just that simple action of making a part of my surroundings orderly made me feel energetic and happy.

Try it yourself. Take a look around you at this moment. Start small, but I'm sure there is something bugging you to death. Clear it. Get rid of the unnecessary. Realize that more is not better, but less is more. Then sit back and enjoy a smile.

Garlic Breath.

I am sick. I have been for a solid week. It started with a blistered throat, then sinus infection, now it's in my chest. This whole minimilist journey I'm taking has got me thinking more about what I am putting in my body.

Prescribed antibiotics have always been my go-to at the first sign of a sympton. It's a little scary to think about how many I've actually taken. Hmmm, even just three weeks ago I was prescribed a round and now I'm back to square one. It sooks pretty bad.

It's my first time to try to battle this hellacious sickness without a script. So I google natural antibiotics and find that garlic is a natural source.

Be warned. I tried this last night. Whoa Nelly!


How can a bite of a clove of garlic be so bad, you think? Well, it's pretty damn intense. I actually gagged. My mouth and nose went up in flames. It was so serious that I thought a dragon would fly right out from between my lips.

But, since I'm being so cool and herbal I don't give up.

I cut up the cloves and start swallowing chunk by chunk. That wasn't so bad. I finish my third clove by dinner time.

I'm not gonna dinner tasted like garlic and I even smelled garlic in my coffee. This morning I couldn't brush the garlic off my breath. Even my toots smell like garlic.

I'm still going to continue this therapy for another week and just see if I can survive this death wish without a z-pack, then report on how well my recovery goes. Wish me luck.

*I am not advocating this as a replacement to doctor's orders. This is my first time even trying this method. The sources citing garlic's antibiotics properties are all over the internet, so I wanted to try this little experiment because it seems safer than prescribed medicine.*

A secret.

This is probably one of my favorite quotes. It is much more than words on a screen. It is a secret to life.

We all fall into the trap of thinking that we need more. That whatever new gadget, car, clothes someone else has, we need. It's not even close to the truth. Stuff is fairly easy to comeby. You can run up credit card debt, go without a healthy diet, work far more hours than necessary...yes. Yes you can.

But who wants to do that?

The secret is to be content. To realize that we are a spoiled nation here in the United States. To know that it doesn't matter one bit what the other person has. Who knows what they are giving up for the newest iPad?

Look around. Be still. The world hasn't ended.

You have enough.

You are MORE than enough.

Put those nasty thoughts out and rejoice in simplicity.

I am a work in progress. I still slip up from time to time, but the process of decluttering and realizing that I have far more than my needs is enough for me to enjoy the things and people in this world that I do have.

And that, my friends, is the secret!

30 Bags in 30 days

Sometimes you get a fluttery feeling and just want to go purging away through your things. You start imagining how lovely your home would be if it were only organized.

We need not fall into the 'organization' trap. You know, the trap that tells you to go out and buy a boat-load of space bags and cute storage bins? That's also spending unnecessary moolah on plastic to hoard all your clutter and shizz.

The true way to get that clean, on-top-of-the-world feeling is to get rid of stuff you don't need.

It is so liberating and can be so fun! You can make a list like the one I have above if you are having trouble starting the decluttering process. Or, if you feel frisky just start. And you can even start small. The point is to just get the ball rolling.

You won't be sorry.

You will only be lighter, brighter, calmer, and happier. You can't bag that up folks!